PEPTI Project Activities to Enhance Collaboration and Scale-up

Interagency Taskforce
We support the CDE’s interagency task force, “Impact Inclusion” across Part B and Part C educational partners to identify existing resources, align with Project goals, and support resource development.
Resource Guide
We support development of an interagency Resource Guide through the Workgroup for broad dissemination through DDS, Early Start, and CDE-affiliated websites and listservs.
Pre-service and Inservice Alignment
We partner with the California Association of Professors of Early Childhood Special Education (CAPECSE) to align pre-service and inservice training on transition and inclusion practices, conduct a study, and provide recommendations on pre-service training needs within the California State University system. CAPECSE will also serve in an advisory capacity to the PEPTI team through regular meetings and serve on the PEPTI Advisory Committee.
Partnerships and Collaborators for this Focus Area

CAPECSE members Drs. Myck-Wayne, Kucskar Mitsch, and Friesen from CSUs Fullerton and San Francisco
CAPECSE will collaborate with the SPDG project to align personnel development across preservice programs and in-service training by evaluating and strengthening the alignment of Embedded Instruction/Practice-based Coaching and Part C Transition services.
California Early Childhood Special Education Network (CalECSE), Co-Directors Scott Turner and Melanie Hertig
CalECSE will consult and collaborate with the SPDG team to support family-guided transition partnerships through connection with Parent Outreach and Support exemplars and Preschool Child Find.
The Supporting Inclusive Practices (SIP) Project
SIP will provide statewide TA to educational communities in their pursuit of inclusive and equitable systems and identify sites that are ready to implement evidence-based instructional practices. The SPDG team will determine areas to collaborate.
Interagency Coordinating Council (ICC) on Early Intervention
The ICC is a DDS Early Start advisory council whose members, appointed by the Governor, consist of parents of children with disabilities, early intervention service providers, health care professionals, and state agency representatives. The SPDG will collaborate with the ICC as a vehicle for information dissemination.